Urotensin GPCR Family Subtypes and Products

What Are Urotensin Receptors?

The urotensin receptor is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) found throughout the brain, blood vessels, and peripheral tissues, and is involved in cardiovascular issues, stress, and REM sleep, although the exact role is unknown. Activation of the urotensin receptor causes vasoconstriction, and has been suspected to be linked to cardiac hypertrophy. More research is required to discover selective urotensin receptor antagonists and further explore its biology.

Urotensin Receptor Information

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The urotensin 2 receptor (UT or GPR14) is high affinity receptor for urotensin-2 and urotensin-2B. In human, Urotensin II is the most potent vasoconstrictor known, possibly contributing to several human cardiovascular diseases. Both UT receptor and urotensin II are widely expressed in many other tissues, implicating urotensin II in the pathogenesis of a variety of disease processes ranging from hypertension to hepatic cirrhosis and UT antagonists for the possibility of a new range of therapeutic drugs.

Urotensin Cell Lines

Receptor FamilyReceptorSpeciesParentalStable Cell Lines Division-Arrested Cells Membranes
UrotensinUTratCHO dhfr-C1035-1DC1035-1MC1035-1