Product Information
Catalog Number:
Lot Number:
1 vial (4 x 106) frozen cells
Freeze Medium:
Cellbanker 2
Host cell:
Expression vector containing full-length human GCGR cDNA (GenBank Accession Number NM_000160) with FLAG tag sequence at N-terminus
Recommended Storage:
Liquid nitrogen upon receiving
Propagation Medium: DMEM, 10% FBS
Data Sheet
Background: The human glucagon receptor GCGR mediates the action of the pancreatic peptide hormone glucagon and is mainly present in liver and kidney and to a lesser extent in intestinal smooth muscle, brain, adipose tissue, the adrenal gland, heart, and in pancreatic cells. Glucagon regulates blood glucose via control of hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis and via regulation of insulin release from the β cell. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by inappropriate regulation of hepatic glucose production, which is due to an imbalance in the bihormonal relationship between plasma levels of glucagon and insulin. The glucose-lowering effects of glucagon peptide antagonists and anti-glucagon antibodies have demonstrated the potential of glucagon receptor antagonism as a treatment for type 2 diabetes. Glucagon also elicits various effects in extrahepatic tissues, including adipose tissue, kidney, heart, pancreatic β cells, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid and central nervous system.
Application: Functional assays

Figure 1. Dose-dependent stimulation of intracellular cAMP accumulation upon treatment with ligand, measured with Multiscreen™ TR-FRET cAMP 1.0 No Wash Assay Kit (Multispan MSCM01).
Al-Massadi et al. (2019) Glucagon Control on Food Intake and Energy Balance. Int J Mol Sci.11;20(16):3905.
Lok et al. (1994) The human glucagon receptor encoding gene: structure, cDNA sequence and chromosomal localization. Gene 140:203-209.
Sloop et al. (2005) Glucagon as a target for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. Expert Opin Ther Targets 9:593-600.