Product Information
Catalog Number:
Lot Number:
1 vial (2 x 106) frozen cells
Freeze Medium:
Sigma Freezing Medium (C-6164)
Host cell:
Expression vector containing full-length human PTGER1 cDNA (GenBank accession number NM_000955.2) with FLAG tag sequence at N-terminus
Recommended Storage:
Liquid nitrogen upon receiving
Propagation Medium: DMEM, 10% FBS, 1 μg/mL puromycin
Stable in culture for minimum of two months
Data Sheet
Background: EP1 receptor (or PTGER1) is a receptor or prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). The receptor may play a role in the smooth muscle contractile response to PGE2 in various tissues. EP1 receptor transactivates EGFR thus activating Akt, while activation of EGFR by its cognate ligand EGF increased COX-2 expression and PGE2 production. This crosstalk between EP1 and EGFR signaling synergistically promotes cancer cell growth and invasion. Some EP1-specific antagonists inhibit osteoclast formation induced by RANKL from the early stage of osteoclastogenesis.
The Multispan EP1 cell line expresses EP1 cDNA that is identical to GenBank NM_000955.2 except for 1 sense mutation, Thr→Ala at position 70. It has been reported as a natural variant.
Application: Functional assays

Figure 1. Dose-dependent stimulation of calcium flux upon treatment with ligand, measured with MultiscreenTM Calcium 1.0 No Wash Assay Kit (Multispan MSCA01). Figure 2. Receptor expression on cell surface measured by flow cytometry (FACS) using an anti-FLAG antibody. Thin line: parental cells; thick line: receptor-expressing cells.
Han and Wu (2005) Cyclooxygenase-2-derived prostaglandin E2 promotes human cholangiocarcinoma cell growth and invasion through EP1 receptor-mediated activation of epidermal growth factor receptor and AKT. J Biol Chem 280:24053- 24063.
Tsujisawa et al. (2005) SC-19220, antagonist of prostaglandin E2 receptor EP1, inhibits osteoclastogenesis by RANKL. J Bone Miner Res 20:15-22.