Product Information
Catalog Number:
Lot Number:
1 vial (4 x 106) frozen cells
Freeze Medium:
Sigma Freezing Medium (C-6164)
Host cell:
Expression vector containing full-length human CCR7 cDNA (GenBank Accession Number: NM_001838) with FLAG tag sequence at N-terminus
Recommended Storage:
Liquid nitrogen upon receiving
Propagation Medium: DMEM, 10% FBS
Stable for 1-2 days after thawing
Data Sheet
Background: CCR7 (C-C chemokine receptor type 7 is a receptor for the chemokine MIP- 3β. CCR7 has been identified as a key regulator of homeostatic B and T cell trafficking to secondary lymphoid organs. CCR7 is also an essential mediator for entry of both dermal and epidermal dendritic cells into the lymphatic vessels within the dermis. CCR7 plays an important role in tumor cell migration and lymph node metastasis. Expression of CCR7 is related to the development of lymph node metastasis in nonsmall cell lung cancers.
Application: Functional assays

Dose-dependent stimulation of calcium flux upon treatment with ligand, measured with MultiscreenTM Calcium 1.0 No Wash Assay Kit (Multispan MSCA01). Cells were transiently transfected with Gαqi5 before division arrest.
Takanami (2003) Overexpression of CCR7 mRNA in nonsmall cell lung cancer: correlation with lymph node metastasis. Int J Cancer 105:186-189.
Ohl et al. (2004) CCR7 governs skin dendritic cell migration under inflammatory and steady- state conditions. Immunity 21:279-288.