Product Information
Catalog Number:
Lot Number:
C1516-1- 081617
1 vial (2 x 106) frozen cells
Freeze Medium:
Cell Banker 2 (Amsbio 11891)
Host cell:
Full-length Human CALCRL cDNA (GenBank Accession Number (NM_005795) with FLAG-tag sequence at the N-terminus and Full-length Human receptor activity modifying protein 2 (RAMP2) cDNA (GenBank Accession Number NM_005854.2) with myc-tag at the C-terminus
Recommended Storage:
Liquid nitrogen upon receiving
Propagation Medium: DME/F12, 10% FBS, 10 µg/mL puromycin, 250µg/mL hygromycin
Stable in culture for minimum of two months
Data Sheet
Background: CALCRL (calcitonin receptor-like receptor) is a calcitonin family receptor. The function and pharmacology of this receptor is modified in the presence of receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs), which are single Transmembrane domain proteins of about 160 amino acids, having three isoforms: RAMP1, RAMP2 and RAMP3. CALCR can function either as a calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor or an adrenomedullin (AM) receptor, depending on which members of RAMPs, are co-expressed..The CALCRL/RAMP2 complex has been known as the adrenomedullin (AM1) receptor.
Application: Functional assays

Figure 1. Dose-dependent increase of intracellular cAMP level upon treatment with ligand, measured with MULTISCREEN™ TR-FRET cAMP 1.0 No Wash Assay Kit (Multispan MSCM01). Figure 2. Receptor expression on cell surface measured by flow cytometry (FACS) using an anti-FLAG antibody. Thin line: parental cells; thick line: receptor-expressing cells.
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Gorn et al. (1992) Cloning, characterization, and expression of a human calcitonin receptor from an ovarian carcinoma cell line. J Clin Invest 90:1726-1735.
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